Tag Archives: librarycampmelb

Calling all UNorganised people to Melbin

28 Oct

@katejf had a great idea on twitter last night, after reading the inspiring Library Camp Perth tweets (#lcp2010) – How about a Melbourne libcamp unconference.

For those of you (like me) who know very little about this idea, see libcamp perth 2010 for a few ideas, or see Wikipedia for information on the general idea of an unconference.

I love the idea that everyone who attends has to actively participate, without excessing planning. Mirrors lots of @malbooth challenging thoughts about what might be holding back librarianship from developing as is.

Already got some volunteers @katejf @haikugirlOz@happylibrarykat @Graeme028 @restructuregirl @zaana

So if you’re interested visit http://librarycampmelb.pbworks.com/